Terri Weifenbach "Untitled" 2015, from the photobook "Des oiseaux Terri Weifenbach"
Terri WEIFENBACH began working with photography in the 1970s, after completing her studies in painting. Her artistic practice focuses on surrounding nature such as flowers, plants, insects, birds, events that occur in this world, and the subtle occurrences in the everyday that often remain overlooked, enabling them to emerge in the form of fantastic landscapes.
Since publishing her first book, "In your Dreams" (Nazraeli Press, 1997), WEIFENBACH has authored numerous titles for which she has received international acclaim. In addition to her exhibitions, she has also published widely in periodicals including "Audubon," Union Magazine, and "The New Yorker." He major titles include, "Lana" (Nazraeli Press, 2002), "Snake Eyes" (Loosestrife Editions, 2002, co-author John Gossag), "The Politics of Flowers" (onestar press 2005), and "Gift" (Amana, 2014) – a project developed through her correspondence with photographer Rinko Kawauchi. Her exhibitions include, "The May Sun" IZU PHOTO MUSEUM (Shizuoka, 2017), "Hidden Sites" Blitz Gallery (Tokyo, 2014), "Snake Eyes" Addison/Ripley Fine Art (Washington D.C., 2002), and "Terri Weifenbach: Photos/Books" Galerie Miranda (Paris, January, 2020).