Release date:Jan. 14, 2020
We carry out Sightama Art Action Exhibition.
NEWS:Annex Sight"People" and "teams" who are doing unique art activities (art actions) in Saitama will gather and hold an exhibition.
Date and venue
Dates: Saturday, January 25, 2020-Saturday, March 28, 2020
Between January 25 and March 13: January 25 (Sat), 26 (Sun), February 12 (Wed), 14 (Fri), 15 (Sat) ,16 (Sun), 26 (Wed), 28 (Fri), 29 (Sat), March 1 (Sun),8(Sun),13: 00-18: 00
From March 14 to 28: 11:00 to 20:00 Closed on Mondays.
Venue: Former Omiya Library (2-1-1 Takahanacho, Omiya-ku)
Other: Admission free. Please come directly to the venue.
Participating artists
SMF (Saitama Muse Forum) / Cookie Project / Seseragi Concert / Saitama Triennale Harmony / Yuka Kobayashi・Gallery Pepin / Aprilus Shiba Studio / KAPL (Koshigaya Art Point Lab) / Oshimachi Art Gallery / Saitama Street Observation Society / Japanese Garden Association Saitama Branch / JIA Saitama / Shibaura Institute of Technology Department of Environmental Systems
For more information, please see the flyer below.